Thursday, June 21, 2012

Pigapalooza VI

So this weekend is Pigapalooza VI on the road. This is an annual Pig Roast my friend has. It started as a going away party the day before he would leave for the Army but it has warped into something much much more. It used to take place at his families house in NJ but this past year he has gotten married, moved to Alaska, and had a child.... DAMN! So this year the Pig Roast shall comehence at a friends estate in Virginia.

There will be 2 kegs, a 100 foot slip and slide, maple syrup vodka, of course a 91 lb pig, and much much more! The kegs shall contain Coors Light and Yuengling for our annual Flip Cup Tournament of Champions (The good guys Vs. The bad guys) and what ever drinks people bring to contribute. I am bringing a 12 pack summer variety of Leinenkugel... yummmm a bottle of maple syrup Burnetts vodka and some Pepsi's

We are planning on creating the longest line of flip cup EVER! It shall be epic. I am leaving for my adventure soon this this story is To Be Continued....

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Breckenridge - Vanilla Porter

This post shall be short and sweet.

My beer of the week:

Breckenridge - Vanilla Porter

The following is a description provided by Breckenridge -

Remarkable. Partakable.
Deep in the jungles of Papua New Guinea and Madagascar grows the perfect ingredient for an extraordinary Porter brewed in Colorado. Breckenridge Brewery’s Vanilla Porter. An ale that has all the chocolate and roasted nut flavor of a classic Porter, with an enigmatic surprise thrown in for good measure. #vanillaporter

My Review:

It pours a deep dark brown with a nice 1 inch head. The foam lingers for a moment before turning into a nice lace around the glass. It's very pretty.

It smells like a mixture of oak and vanilla.

It tastes of vanilla, coffee and a hint of oak.

Reason number 1052 of why I love Colorado.... great brews.


Oh and before I go I want to let you all know that I just started using Untapped and you should check me out @ Brew Babe =)

Cheers for Beers,

Brew Babe

Monday, June 4, 2012

21st Amendment - Hell or High Watermelon

Hey Ladies and Gents,

Tonight I decided to have a Hell or High Watermelon from 21st Amendment Brewery. It's a wheat beer with a fan-freaking-tastic can.... which is the reason I purchased it. 

It pours very similar to a soda... high carbonation. Very bubbly with a decent head that fizzed away within a minute or two. Pours a light golden color with a strong scent of watermelons. The taste is not very complex. It has notes of citrus, watermelon and wheat. This beer is on the sweeter side with little to no bitterness.  It's light and refreshing but a tad boring. It is a good beer for the summertime when you're trying to impress your friends by showing up with a flippin sweet can. Cans are great for the beach when you're worried about breaking glass. I'm glad to see more craft beers putting their products in cans. Now we have more options when we need to bring a beverage that's not breakable.

All in all this beer is very creative and innovative but it is not a ten. I'd give it a 7.... it needs more bite. 

Friday, June 1, 2012

Magic Hat Elder Betty Elderberry Weiss

Hey ladies and gents, it's time for another brew review! Happy Saturday and happy tastings.

A - Pours a light golder amber color with a paper thin head that turns into just a ring of foam fairly quickly

S - Almost no smell at all. Very slight berry sent.

T - Sweet, light, and fruity wheat taste. Not too strong. Malty with not much hops.

M - High carbonation with a light and airy finish.

O - A breath of fresh air. Drinkable and light but a tad boring for a Magic Hat. I wish it had a little more kick of berries in there but definitely still a tasty beer. I would definitely purchase it again on a hot summer day when I'm looking for something light and refreshing with a hint of berry. Great it if you're not looking for something too over powering. It would be a great beer to accompany almost any dinner.

Cheers for beers,

Brew Babe